Star Count and Star Gazing

Connecting with the sky!

Update 2024: 
The CPRE is not running the annual Star Count in 2024 because it wants to focus its efforts on the forthcoming general election in the UK.  It is committed to ensuring that rural voices are heard and their concerns are acted upon.  It is focusing its energy on making sure the next government protects our countryside and works for rural communities.   Find out more here


In February 2023, the countryside charity Campaign for Rural England (CPRE) has its annual Star Count from 17th to 24th February.   In 2022, thousands of people took part and counted the stars in the night sky.  CPRE are asking us all to save the date and help celebrate our dark skies. 

The results will help CPRE map where star-spotters are enjoying dark skies.  By showing where light pollution is most serious, CPRE can work with local councils and other organisations and decide what to do about it, so that they can rewild the skies!  

Light pollution affects wildlife and their natural patterns, so this is an important count.  You can watch out for the sounds of the night, too!

The Star Count results...

The results from 2022 suggest that star count participants had their best views of the skies since 2011!  Over 2,500 people took part.  CPRE think that working from home and concerns over rising energy bills have reduced a lockdown legacy and that's led to clearer night skies.  Turning off garden lights, encouraging local councils and businesses to dim their lights at night - this will all help reduce carbon emissions, cut energy bills and improve the environment for wildlife and people. 


Campaign against light pollution

CPRE has interactive maps
of England’s light pollution and dark skies and ways to take action against local light pollution.   

They’ve got 5 ways you can tackle local light pollution.  It’s important to wildlife, too, because light pollution disturbs their natural patterns.

Star Count helps show the need for action and gives everyone the chance to enjoy the beauty and magic of a wonderful starry night, wherever you are!

Here are the six constallations to look for in the sky for in late spring and here are the best spots to stargaze in England.  

Have a go at stargazing!

Red Letter Days have stargazing experiences which would make great gift ideas!
Red Letter Days have stargazing experiences which would make great gift ideas!
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