Volunteer with Animals


Volunteer with Animals

Animal charities need all sorts of help - some of it hands on, some of it behind the scenes, so if you're the sort of person who is worried you'll be upset by helping homeless animals, don't worry - there will be things you can do to get active for animals without actually doing the hands on stuff. Below are links to animal charities who will all need help in one way or another...many links will take you to Get Active's sister site, Animals Charities 

Other examples of ways to volunteer your time & help include...
  • Volunteer your help abroad on a volunteer holiday - Conservation volunteers work in all sorts of places around the world - ethical travel directory Responsible Travel has many holidays where you can volunteer
  • Do a charity challenge to help with fund raising
  • Many countryside charities need volunteers to help with surveys e.g. the Big Garden Birdwatch or the survey organised by the National Amphibian and Reptile Monitoring Programme
  • Help local animal charities - find out where your local charities are and how you can help them
  • Give up some time on holiday to help a local animal charity in the area where you're staying - just contact them and find out if you can lend a paw
  • Be willing to change your lifestyle & be more active e.g. walk instead of driving to help polar bears
  • Help countryside charities to protect the habitat of the wildlife living there
  • Adopt a beach & volunteer to help keep it clean of litter to care for marine life
  • Become a member of your favourite animal charity. Many animals charities have memberships you can take up - annual or life, adult or child, family, indiviidual etc, e.g. the RSPB, and many have memberships for young people such as the PDSA
  • Many animals charities offer the opportunity to adopt an animal as a gift for someone. (You don't actually have the animal at home.)
  • Offer specialist skills & experience you have which charities may well need