Don’t miss: Puppy School for Guide Dogs!

Starting on Friday 1st September on Channel 5 at 8pm, this is a new four part series which focuses on the pups who change the lives of people.

The series introduces us to the trainers, and we see the dogs at every stage of their education.   People who hope to have a guide dog are on the programme as well.

Why not sponsor a puppy and help change lives for the better?

It’s also a great chance to learn more about assistance dogs so don’t miss the programme!

Ways to help…

There are all sorts of ways you can get involved with assistance dogs – a good place to start is with ADUK (Assistance Dogs UK), who have a list of members.

There are lots of ways in which we can all get involved, such as….

Fundraising, sponsoring a dog, helping with training, being a puppy parent, donating, adopting a retired assistance dog or a dog who has been withdrawn from training, campaigning, playing the lottery, buying from one of their shops, taking on a challenge, joining in events…and more!
