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Don't miss: Killer Crocs with Steve Backshall

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Wow, Steve Backshall has a new two part series , Killer Crocs with Steve Backshall on Channel 5, starting at 8pm on Monday 19th February 2024.

Steve is getting close up and personal with crocodiles in South Africa’s Ndumo Game Reserve.

The crocodiles there are responsible for 1,000 attacks a year – you’re not likely to get out unscathed if you’re attacked.

In the first programme, Steve helps to rehome a large number of crocodiles.  In part two, watch him on the river bank as crocodiles hidden in the scrub ambush their prey - will he be next?! 

Stay safe, Steve!!

You can find out more about the two part series here.

(Part two is on Tuesday 20th February at 9pm on Channel 5.)

You could also visit Crocodiles of the World's website.  Their mission is "To inspire in our visitors a respect and understanding for the crocodile. The aim is to stimulate public awareness about crocodiles, alligators, caimans and gharials, and open people’s eyes to the incredible nature of crocodiles, and spark curiosity and awareness for the future."   Find out more about Crocodiles of the World here. 

Why not adopt a crocodile from Crocodiles of the World?

 Why not adopt a crocodile from Crocodiles of the World?
Find out more here.  (Image ©Crocodiles of the World.)

Crocodiles of the World are based in Oxfordshire and they have a range of experiences, including a Nile Crocodile feeding experience, a Komodo Dragon experience, and Croc Keeper experiences for adults and for children.  

Oh, and a date for your diary:  the 17th June is World Crocodile Day (or World Croc Day) - a chance to raise awareness of crocodiles and the threats they face and how we can all help.

 There's also an IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group 



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