An Alpaca walks into an opticians....
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Did you hear about the Alpaca who walked into an opticians in the town of Hennebont in Brittany? This is no joke - it did happen! The BBC reported that the alpaca had been passing the shop when he or she stopped. The automatic doors automatically opened and the alpaca wandered in, very quietly. The alpaca spent a quiet half hour browsing the shelves and checking out lenses in the opticians. Staff at Les Opticiens Mutualistes closed the door and called the police. The owner arrived half an hour later to collect the alpaca. I bet the staff at the opticians couldn't believe their eyes when they first saw the alpaca wondered in from the street. Anyway, you don't have to head for the beautiful town of Hennebont in Brittany to see an alpaca. Buy a Gift have a couple of alpaca experiences in the UK you could treat yourself and/or alpaca loving friend to. Check them out here.
By the way, on the edge of Hennebont, there's an impressive national stud farm where you can see traditional Breton carthorses and other equine species here, and find out about the different trades involved in looking after horses. Canter off to find out more about Hennebont here |
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